Monday, August 28, 2006

Some encouraging news!!

We spoke with Helen in Latvia today and she said the orphanage director, Ilga, had asked Gertrude how she would feel about living in America and Ilga said Gertrude was very excited about the prospect. She doesn't know if Ilga intimated we were pursuing adoption or she approached her with it as a hypothetical question. So, we still can't mention it to Gertrude and this was not her formal interview, but it is exciting that she had such a positive response. I am feeling much better about this impending interview. Also, Ilga had said how happy Gertrude was and how this trip had been so wonderful for her and she could tell she was so much more open and more confident than she was before. It is so good to hear this. She also told us this about 2 other children from this orphanage that came with the hosting and are being pursued for adoption. One of them especially, an 11 year old boy named Olegs, who was so shy and quiet (and I can vouch for it because I've met him!) is a totally different person now. Very confident and talkative. It is amazing what bringing a little light and love to a child will do to change their whole perspective and opinion of themselves. It is a blessing just to be able to play a part in that, let alone adopt them and change so much more for them!!

The director of the Ministry of Family Affairs (the main man of this department) actually contacted Ilga and told her he had a request for some of her kids there and that she needs to do the necessary steps to set up a formal interview. So now, the orphanage director and the Ministry are on the same page trying to achieve the same goal. Things are looking up!

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