Friday, November 24, 2006

Screeeeching Halt

Well, we had a great trip to Latvia for a short time, but had an abrupt end to our visit. I have included some pictures here so you can see our precious girls and that we did go to Latvia, even though we are farther behind in the adoption than we were when we left. Please ignore the dates on some of them. Our digital camera has a bit of a problem keeping track of the date! So, about our setback... four hours after going to court with Gertrude and gaining temporary custody of her for the 2 weeks, her biological dad showed up to the Orphan Court with a birth certificate naming him as father. He claimed he wants to take her out of the children's home to live with him. Apparently, two weeks before we got there, Gertrude's mom and this man (maybe dad) went to the records office, told them this was dad, and had a new birth certificate issued. Once they had this "father" they said we cannot retain custody for the two weeks, and the following day we went back to court and gave custody back to the children's home. No more need for us to stay in Latvia, so we came home a week early. It was pretty devastating, as we thought we'd have her the whole time and we'd be halfway through having her permanently when the 2 weeks were over. But, on Tuesday after court, Gertrude went back to her home, and received a new last name, "Kivlina." Now the court is investigating her dad, and on Dec. 5 is a hearing to decide if he should have rights. From what we hear, he lives in a drug house, he drinks, and obviously has not taken care of his daughter for the last 10 years. It looks like they will probably rule against him, but we won't know for sure until Dec. 5 is over. We are praying for whatever is best for her, which from what we think we know, terminating his rights would be best.

While we were with Gertrude, we had a great time. We got her Friday right after we got to Latvia so we had her for 3 almost 4 days. At the children's home we got to meet her sister, who is a beautiful girl and she was very sweet. We planned to take her sister, Agnese, with us the following weekend to stay with us and go to the water park, but unfortunately that next weekend never happened...we were on a plane to Atlanta instead. Ok, back to Gertrude...the Friday before we left she spent the day with us until about 8:30 that evening. We had a great time in Latvia, and many of our friends that were here over the summer, as well as some other great people, took us under their wings, showed us around and transported us here and there. Latvia is definitely a different kind of place, but it was a great experience. We stayed in a really nice apartment with most of the modern conveniences.

Gertrude had a great time but she is very confused as to what she wants to do. She feels a loyalty to her parents and sister, to stay in Latvia. She also loves us and America and wants to be adopted. She is easily influenced by those around her, and seems to want for herself whatever those that she is with at the time tell her. It makes us a little nervous because if we are able to pursue adoption, she may waver as to what her decision is. Supposedly the Orphan Court gives them the right to decide, but at such a young age they largely make the decision for them. However, it still could cause problems and delays if she is unsure. We plan to bring her home after our next 2 week visit, so she is with us between court dates. Many of the families that have adopted recently have been able to do that, and we plan to do so as well if they will give us that permission. We think this will help her to be more comfortable with the adoption and to be away from negative influences during the adoption process.

We pray we will have her with us one day soon. She is such a precious little girl, and so deserving of a better life. Also, she and Tena get along so well, they are like best friends and sisters. Tena took the bad news of our adoption obstacles very well, and she is optimistic that this will all work out. We sure hope she is right!!

Probably won't be back to update the blog until after Dec. 5 when the court makes its decision regarding her dad. Hopefully will have good news!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

We're Off!

Well, things have been so incredibly busy since we got our court dates. I have been to Wal-Mart and Target at least three times in the last three days, getting all sorts of things we need for our trip, mostly warm clothes which we don't really need here! We are leaving tomorrow afternoon and I just now realized I haven't been keeping up with the blog. So many things to do, it was the last thing on my mind.

We are having some problems with our laptop so don't know if we'll have internet. If we do, I'll try to keep up some with the blog so everyone can know what is happening.

We found out recently that we will be able to get Gertrude on Friday, the day we arrive, to stay with us for the duration of our trip. Normally you have to wait till court (which isn't until Monday) when they give you temporary custody, but the orphanage director has agreed to let us have her early. We are really happy about that. Tena is so excited, she can't wait to see Gertrude, but I think her favorite thing right now is missing school. Even though her teachers gave her a lot to do over the course of two weeks, she feels like she is on a great big vacation from school while everyone else has to go.

Jennifer Peters, and Helen Vipase, two people very involved with the orphans and hosting program, have lined up some people to be "facilitators," while we are there. Most of them are on Helen's staff and we have their numbers so we can call them to take us places, translate for us, etc. Transportation isn't easy there and some of the couples that have gone before us have actually had to walk to at least one of their court appearances (2 1/2 miles in a foot of snow!) So, hopefully we can avert that by calling on these women.

Better get going..lots of packing still to do, etc. We are looking at 12 hours and 20 min. of traveling tomorrow..should be fun!!